Thursday, January 8, 2009

Why My Blog Sucks: in bullet points

  • I am a naturally negative person: negativity doesn't sell as well as cuteness, talent, positivity or beauty.
  • My camera was stolen. I lack images.
  • I keep using my stolen camera as an excuse for sucking.
  • I still will after this, just so you know.
  • Hanoi has become 1. familiar. 2. annoying. 3. comfy. I forget what stuff is weird and interesting.
  • The stuff I do notice would lend itself better to being photographed.
  • Back to square 2.
  • I don't have any news, except: I am moving to Germany on the 27th of January. This year. In like three weeks. Weeee!!! (Had you there, thought this blog was just a big whine with no news).

1 comment:

Jenna said...

Reasons why i like your blog:
- It's all written in a fantastic Lei voice.
- Because you have not pictures I have to use my imagination - as do you when describing things.
- I am glad you keep writing even though you think it sucks.
- Blogs are cool.

I'm sure there is more...