Sunday, March 22, 2009

Personalised Trash/ Inspiration

I realise this particular blog post may across as extremely off-the-point, but it illustrates my current state of mind extremely well. To learn Spanish I bought a fashion magazine and I have been pouring over it with the devotion of a trappist monk - soon I will be able to describe this seasons giant shoes in Spanish pretty well - ¨Ooh zapatos muy grande, me gusta mucho!¨

Also, I have been generally listening to a lot of too cool, glamourous music, dancing with hot Colombians, and having dreams about University scholarships (I put this in the same category, don´t ask). Before coming to Colombia, I was choosing between this and a few other options which will remain nameless. The other options were more -off the path- and badass, but my corporate uncle told me that people have many sides of their characters and the idea is to find a balance between those sides - not to suffocate one with the other. And right now that is exactly what Colombia is for me - I get to travel and add to my CV blah blah, but I also live in a liberal, modern city with beautiful little boutiques and fashion weeks.

Anyway - this blog represents the best of pop culture, from my perspective. It´s only a small sampling of things I love, and not necessarily those I love the most. The Hermes ad is in this partly for nostalgia´s sake. With Yami and Ellie in BK I spent days trawling the Siam Paragon (basically an issue of Harpers Bazaar in real life) and at the time the Indian Winter line had just come out and there was a beautiful, billboard sized copy of that ad on the building. I think it´s the perfect image of pure luxury.

The Annie Leibovitz photograph of Johnny Depp and Kate Moss should need no justification.

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Returning to Colombia

Here´s a photo I stole to accompany an otherwise pointless, cheesy blog.

Well, Colombia. I don´t even know what to say without sounding like a total idiot. Flying in, the immigration card hard two options; leaving Colombia, and returning to Colombia. I ticked returning.

If you know me, you know I am a superstitous atheist and one thing I am particularly attached to is the number 49. Whenever I see it, I know I am on the right track. I saw so many 49s coming to Colombia it was actually insane. EVERY seat number had it in there.

The weird thing is, I don´t feel dramatic about Colombia, like - screaming my head off, blown away. But I feel so happy, so comfortable and really .... at home. Everyone is the same - all the expats I have met go all blurry eyed talking about Colombia. Everyone seems to stay longer than they intended. I feel so good about this next year.

Tamarillos (my favourite fruit) are everywhere and cheap. The buses are hilarious. Everyone is stupidly good-looking, and - this is the amazing part - they seem to think I´m good looking too. The nightlife is the best I have ever seen. Teenagers in school uniforms make out in the streets. The colonial architecture in the old quarter is dreamy, and everytime I look up, there they are, the Andes.


p.s. Last night I drank champagne with 7 potential new friends in a huge industrial apartment looking over the skyline of Bogota, listening to the Pulp Fiction soundtrack. I did a fantastic twist if you ask me.